We publish a bimontly newsletter to keep all members up to date with upcoming happenings in Navitas and useful sustainbility knowledge. Become a member to access our newsletter!
We are currently recruiting for our 25/26 Board :)
Do not hesitate to apply!
Keep a look out on our instagram for our upcoming Advent Calendar with challenges and cozy Christmas activities.
There might also be some fun news!
Global Weeks is happening soon and we are excited to present this years theme: Sustainable Infrastructure and Circular Economy. By focusing on Global Goals 11 and 12 we aim to spread awareness through lunch lectures, swapping events and a hike!
We hope to see you at Global Weeks! More information is on our facebook page.
Nolle-P 2024 is over and Navitas of course welcomes all new students at LiU! We have painted our logo in Märkesbacken at campus Valla and campus US!
We have participated at campus tours, the Welcome Fair and Kalasmottagningen, which was super fun! We really enjoyed getting to meet everyone who came up to us.
Thank you to everyone we got to meet!
Are you interested in sustainability, want to learn more and want to spread it to people around you? Do you also want to have fun and take part in a warm community? Then Navitas is the perfect association for you!
All 6 committees are open for application, for both swedish and english speakers:
- Marketing Committee
- Event Committee
- Network Committee
- LiU Student Second Hand (LSSh)
- Business Committee
- Travel Committee
We are continuously recruiting for Navitas 24/25!
Vill du utveckla dina ledaregenskaper, främja hållbarhet på Campus och dessutom driva en av LiU:s snabbast växande föreningar framåt? Känner du kanske den perfekta kandidaten? Sök då själv eller nominera någon annan till styrelsen i Navitas studentförening!
Som en del av styrelsen får du möjlighet att påverka och driva föreningens arbete för hållbarhet på campus och i Linköping. Att bli en del av Navitas styrelse är en fantastisk möjlighet att träffa likasinnade, utvecklas som person och mycket, mycket mer. Framförallt kan vi garantera ett otroligt roligt år med mycket skratt och gemenskap!
Navitas 24/25 kommer bestå av sex utskott, en ordförande, en vice ordförande, en kassör, samt en revisor. Posterna som eftersöks är:
-Vice Ordförande
-Ordförande Reseutskottet
-Ordförande Nätverksutskottet
-Ordförande Näringslivsutskottet
-Ordförande Marknadsföringsutskottet
-Ordförande Eventutskottet
-Ordförande LiU Student Secondhand
Sök senast 7/4-24!
The Navitas travel committee is delighted to organize a trip to Turku, Finland this year! It will be an unforgettable trip full of fun and adventure. The trip starts with an overnight boat on Thursday from Stockholm to Turku and the fun will continue in Turku, a sparkling student city with lots to explore. Think about trying some traditional Finnish sweets, and sauna, exploring Turku’s nightlife, incredible nature, and so on. On Sunday, we’ll take the dayboat back to Stockholm to experience boat life during the day.
We’ll travel to Stockholm on Thursday the 4th of April and take the night boat from there to Turku. On Sunday the 7th of April, we’ll take the day boat back and you will be back in Linköping in the evening.T
The Navitas Travel Committee will of course be there to make you feel welcome, and anybody can join. You just have to be a member of Navitas (which is free so what are you waiting for?)
Read more in the facebook event!
Join Navitas Travel committee on a relaxing and energizing trip to Motala!
The trip will start on a lovely winter Sunday morning where we will take the train from Linköping central station to Motala. In Motala, we’ve arranged a private relaxation area in the Motala Simhall.
Afterwards, we’ll have lunch at Hamnkrogen where there will be vegetarian and vegan options available!
A perfect re-set sunday! Sign up via the Facebook-event!
Navitas and Goto 10 welcomes you to this year’s Global Weeks! During week 45 and 46, starting Monday the 6th of November, we will host several exciting events in collaboration with companies and other organizations to illuminate how to work towards the global goals.
This year's theme is: affordable and clean energy and industry, innovation and infrastructure. With these goals in mind, we will host lunch lectures, clothes swapping events, movie screenings, organize meetings with innovative companies and more!
The fall recruitment for committees is open!
Are you interested in sustainability, do you want to learn more and want to spread it to people around you? Do you also want to have a role and take part in a warm community? Then Navitas is the perfect association for you!
Apply HERE or click the box below to see the facebook event.
Nolle-P 2023 has started and Navitas is eager to welcome all new students! Traditionally, we have painted our logo in Märkesbacken at campus Valla. In addition, we have painted in märkesbacken at campus US for the first time ever!
In the coming weeks, we will be participating at campus tours for 6 different programs and talk to Nollan about our fine organisation. We will also participate in two fairs; the Welcome Fair August 24th and Kalasmottagningen September 6th. See you there!
This years sustainability trip went to BERLIN (finally)! For four days we traveled and discovered all that Berlin has to offer. Everything from the Holocaust Memorial, the Berlin Wall, Berliner Dom to culture with vegan food and beer!
We ended last year in an amazing way by winning Linköping municipality's environmental and nature conservation scholarship!!
Between 14th and 18th of November 2022 Global Week was held. The theme was sustainable transportation and consumption!
We in the presidium are thrilled to see what this upcoming year has to offer! A restriction free year lies ahead, and we think it will be the best one in a while! We hope to see many of you at our events and on our social media accounts, and we hope that you are as excited as us!
Greetings from the Business committee! We are really excited for an amazing year with Navitas and all the new contacts and people we will be able to meet and connect with! Another thing to look forward to are all the interesting events the different committees will come up with. What you can expect from us are more relevant companies for you to come into contact with as well as more informative events to see how different companies lead the way into a sustainable future!
Stay tuned for a great year with us in the business committee!
We from the event committee are really looking forward to getting you involved with Navitas sustainability work and especially our events! This year you will be able to participate in everything from sittings to lunch lectures.
We in the Network Committee are really excited for another year. This year we will once again be doing the Global Week so keep tabs on our channels for that during the autumn! Hope that you are all as excited as we are and that we see you all throughout the year!
We in the Marketing Committee are so excited to see what this year with Navitas has to offer. We are especially looking forward to meeting several new or old faces on all campuses and getting you guys involved in all our types of fun events! Hope you look forward to seeing more of us too!!
We would like to thank all of you that have visited the shop and created a longer life for students’ furniture during the past months. We hope to see you around again and you are always welcome to the shop if you want to buy or sell anything! During the upcoming year, we are especially looking forward to seeing many new faces in the shop, so don’t wait to check out our shop in the A-building. You will find great furniture, everything you need for your student kitchen and a nice swapping corner to refresh your wardrobe (:
See you soon!!
Navitas student association
Sus With Us is an initiative that aims to connect students with each other and help them to implement their sustainability-related ideas and events.
Do you want to hold a workshop for instance about climate psychology? Invite a lecturer to hold a lecture about a sustainability topic? We are here to help you carry out a brilliant event!
Don't hesitate to share your ideas with us by filling in the form below that only takes a few minutes, and we will be in touch with you if we can help you implementing your cool idea.
We are happy to be on campus again! This autumn, we hope to see even more of you on campus Valla, US and Norrköping!
Find out more on our Facebook and Instagram @navitas.se
Stora Resan to Malmö , Global Weeks 2021 , Active Members Kick-Off
A membership in NAVITAS is completely free and gives you access to plenty of fun events.
Navitas's operations are carried out in collaboration with Sankt Kors and Tekniska Verken.